New Entrant Transition

The New Entrant Transition is for new graduates from post-secondary programs in Nursing and Allied Health Professions.

Learn about the Island Health 2024 New Grad RN/RPN Hiring Process and Frequently Asked Questions.

About the Program

Island Health has been offering the New Graduate Transition Program since 2005.

This program:

  • provides new graduates with opportunities to enhance their clinical preparation and to consolidate theory with clinical skills.
  • is open to new entrants from any post-secondary health-care program in Canada or internationally. 

The new entrant offers the following transition support to create a positive working environment through:

  • mentorship
  • orientation resources
  • professional development sessions
  • clinical leadership support

Employment opportunities may include the following (and are subject to provincial commitments): 

  • temporary employment (full-time / part-time)
  • permanent employment (full-time / part-time)

New Entrant Responsibilities

New entrants participating in the New Graduate Transition Program are required to: 

  • develop and follow a Learning Plan
  • have regular connections with an identified mentor
  • identify areas of improvement and communicate learning needs to their mentor, educator, and/or manager to support continued growth and development
  • complete and participate in Professional Development sessions.
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