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Pay parking resumes March 4, 2022
Effective March 4, 2022, pay parking will resume at all Island Health sites that previously had pay parking in place.
It is the responsibility of tobacco & vapour retailers to ensure that they and their staff know and comply with the requirements of the B.C. tobacco and vapour product laws.
These resources will assist you in complying with the requirements:
Tobacco and Vapour Retailer Resource
Island Health Tobacco Enforcement Officers carry out routine and complaint inspections to monitor compliance with the provincial Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Act and regulation including:
Non-compliance is managed via progressive compliance, beginning with education and progressing in severity to include fines and/or suspension of the retailer’s licence to sell tobacco products if non-compliance continues.
More information is available at: www.health.gov.bc.ca/tobacco/violations.html
Tobacco retailers have a responsibility to stay in compliance with tobacco laws.
For tips on how to do this, refer to: Strategies to Prevent Non-compliance.
Before you can sell tobacco products in B.C., you need to register as a Retail Dealer. You must have a separate Tobacco Retail Authorization (TRA) permit for each retail location where you sell taxable tobacco in B.C., including vending machines.
The BC Ministry of Finance administers the sale of tobacco through the Tobacco Retail Authorization and the Tobacco Tax.
Once you have a valid Tobacco Retail Authorization or Exempt Sale Retail Dealer permit, you need to complete these forms and submit them to your local Tobacco Prevention and Control office.
201-771 Vernon Ave
Victoria, B.C.
V8X 5A7
Provincial Inquiries: 250-519-3426
CRD Inquiries: 250-360-1450
Fax: 250-519-3442
29-1925 Bowen Rd
Nanaimo, B.C.
V9S 1H1
Provincial Inquiries: 250-755-6285
Fax: 250-740-2675
355- 11th St
Courtenay, B.C.
V9N 1S4
Provincial Inquiries: 250-755-6285
Fax: 250-331-8596