All sessions offered by the Yakimovich Wellness Centre are free but require advance registration.
How to register for a session:
- Find the session you want to attend from the list on the Yakimovich Programs and Sessions webpage.
- Click on the blue registration link below the description to register for that session.
- When you click on the registration link, a registration page opens. Answer all the questions on the page by filling in your information.
For the questions with a “Select” box under them, click on where it says “Select” to see the drop down menu with available answers.
- Once you have filled in all the information, click on the blue "Register" button. Your registration is now complete.
- You will automatically receive a confirmation email for your registration from the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA).
Please note: The email will say “Vancouver,” but all the sessions are in Victoria via the Yakimovich Wellness Centre. Don't worry, you are signed up for the right session!)
- PHSA does not know who registered to attend via Zoom or in-person:
– If you are attending in-person, ignore the Zoom link attached to the email
– If you are attending via Zoom, you will use the Zoom link in the email to attend the session via Zoom
- You will receive an email from the Yakimovich Wellness Centre Coordinator with information about a session (e.g., what you need to bring, parking, bus routes, extra info, etc.) a few days before the session.
Zoom Tips
Zoom is a free virtual meeting platform. If you don’t already have Zoom installed on your computer, you can still access a session/program by clicking directly on the meeting link.
More information and tips on using Zoom: