How To Register with Yakimovich

All sessions offered by the Yakimovich Wellness Centre are free but require advance registration.

How to register for a session:

  1. Find the session you want to attend from the list on the Yakimovich Programs and Sessions webpage.
  2. Click on the blue registration link below the description to register for that session.
  3. When you click on the registration link, a registration page opens. Answer all the questions on the page by filling in your information.
    For the questions with a “Select” box under them, click on where it says “Select” to see the drop down menu with available answers.
  4. Once you have filled in all the information, click on the blue "Register" button. Your registration is now complete.
  5. You will automatically receive a confirmation email for your registration from the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA).
    Please noteThe email will say “Vancouver,” but all the sessions are in Victoria via the Yakimovich Wellness Centre. Don't worry, you are signed up for the right session!)
  6. PHSA does not know who registered to attend via Zoom or in-person:
    – If you are attending in-person, ignore the Zoom link attached to the email
    – If you are attending via Zoom, you will use the Zoom link in the email to attend the session via Zoom
  7. You will receive an email from the Yakimovich Wellness Centre Coordinator with information about a session (e.g., what you need to bring, parking, bus routes, extra info, etc.) a few days before the session.

Zoom Tips

Zoom is a free virtual meeting platform. If you don’t already have Zoom installed on your computer, you can still access a session/program by clicking directly on the meeting link.  

More information and tips on using Zoom:

General Information on How To Register with Yakimovich

Referral Required?
Not required

News & Events

Caring for the Vulnerable

Caring for the Vulnerable

Healthcare professionals provide care in many settings, including hospitals, clinics, schools and people’s homes, but for those individuals who don’t have a fixed address and require care, some community health services staff go to them. 

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