Physical Recovery from Breast Cancer

Physical Recovery from Breast Cancer Island Health

Those having breast cancer surgery on Vancouver island with an Axillary Node Dissection should have a physiotherapist visit prior to your discharge in order to review exercises with you.

You can learn about exercises to do after breast cancer surgery on the Canadian Cancer Agency website.

Out-Patient Physiotherapy

If you have been recommended for radiation treatment and are unable to lift your affected arm above your head; a Doctor's referral can be sent for Out- Patient Physiotherapy Services at the Royal Jubilee Hospital which is covered by Health Insurance BC (MSP).

Private physiotherapy clinics also have the expertise to provide these services for a fee.

Out-Patient Physiotherapy Contact Information 

Royal Jubilee Hospital

Adanac Building
1952 Bay Street
Victoria, B.C.
V8R 1J8 
Fax: 250-370-8031


Lymphedema information sessions are held at Inspire Health in Victoria. Please call or email for the current schedule.

Telephone: 250-595- 7125


RMT in Private Practice

Carol Armstrong BA, RMT, MLD/CDT, Advanced Medical Garment Fitting.
Professional that works in private practice providing care for Lymphedema patients.


Lymphedema Information Sessions



General Information on Physical Recovery from Breast Cancer

Referral Required?
Not required

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