Home Care, Assisted Living & Long-Term Care

Home Care, Assisted Living & Residential Care

This section contains health topic information about assisted living, long-term care and housing.

Island Health offers related Assisted Living and Long-Term Care Services. For details about related locations, please see Assisted Living Locations or Long-Term Care Locations.

Read more about guidance for visiting long-term care or seniors' assisted living facilities.

The BC Centre for Disease Control also has information to guide visitors to long-term care and seniors' assisted living facilities.

These resources apply to Peer Mentors who support Health Care Support Workers (HCSWs), and Peer Mentors want to learn more about the HCSW role.

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Assisted Living services support your independence and help you continue to live in the community.

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​HCSWs are part of the Government of British Columbia's Health Career Access Program (HCAP).

Island Health offers a variety of services to support and improve your health and quality of life to remain independent and in your own home for as long as possible.

Protecting our most vulnerable residents and patients from the risk of transmission of COVID-19 is a top priority for Island Health.

These resources apply to Health Care Support Workers (HCSWs) and those who want to learn more about this role.

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These resources apply to Leaders who support Health Care Support Workers (HCSWs), and Leaders who want to learn more about the HCSW role.

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